Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Goodbye to Israel, Tuesday

Up at some God forsaken hour to get our ride to the airport at 6.00 AM.  They say that the most dangerous part of travel is the trip to the airport and in Israel, considering the drivers, there is a degree of truth in that.  Our driver rarely, if ever, dropped below a speed of 140 kph and lane swapped as if that were a career option.

The airport was pure chaos.  The level of security at Ben Gurion may well be the highest in the world - and the delays, the longest.  Nonetheless, we finally got through.  Flying with El Al is a bit of a madhouse with passengers pushing, shouting and praying while children run up and down the aisles.  As we came in to land everyone seemed to ignore the instructions to be seated until one or two minutes before the plane actually touched down and as soon as it was on terra firma people were out of their seat belts and standing up to get their bags. 

Here are some pictures from Ben Gurion Airport.
Kosher McDonald's
So how do you make a Kosher Cheeseburger?

At Prayer in the Airport
A Serious Discussion

London airports seem to have the longest corridors in the world and for the first time we saw heavily armed guards there.  Once we finally got to immigration and customs we got through quickly and within an hour were in our hotel where we unpacked and collapsed (or was it the other way around)?

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